This event will take place on 20/02/2024
Our school is focusing on the value of compassion this term. We believe in showing we care through acts of kindness and thinking of others.
As part of our effort, we invite you to bring along any adult or children's clothes, paired shoes, handbags, hats, bags, scarves & ties, jewellery, socks, belts, soft toys, household linen, curtains, towels, or bedding that you
no longer want but are still in good condition. At our swap event,
you can exchange your items for something else and
make a small donation if you wish. All items that remain,
after the swap shop, will be donated to our
PTA Bag2School event the following week.
please drop items you would like to swap by the morning of the 20th of February
then, come along in the afternoon to explore the items available.